Pregnancy Support

Provider Spotlight: Vitality Physical Therapy

I recently chatted with Lori O’Neill of Vitality Physical Therapy in Chapel Hill, and in between show and tell of all our various teaching materials involving pelvises, my son jumping on the call to say Hi, and a few technical hiccups, we had a great conversation!

What Does Chiropractic Treatment for Back Pain Involve (Guest Post)

If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor you probably don’t know what a visit would be like. You may not even know exactly what a chiropractor does or the tactics they use. The fact is that, whether your back pain is nonspecific, the result of pregnancy, some sort of strain, or an injury, a doctor of chiropractic can probably help you. This article will explain it all as we focus on the question: what does chiropractic treatment for back pain involve?

Oxytocin: Benefits Beyond Just Contractions

Oxytocin is a powerful hormone produced in the hypothalamus and secreted by the pituitary gland. It is commonly associated with childbirth and postpartum bonding, but there is much more to it! This powerful hormone has many other amazing benefits and should be recognized for not only during the birth and postpartum period, but also all stages of life for both women and men.

Provider Spotlight: Milestones Pediatric and Maternal Nutrition

Recently I connected with Kerry Jones of Milestones Pediatric & Maternal Nutrition, over Zoom to talk about all things women’s health. As a pediatric and maternal dietitian, she works with women in the preconception stage, as well as through pregnancy, the postpartum stage, and even helps with getting those picky toddlers to eat more than 2 foods.

How Hormonal Imbalances Impact Skin Appearance

So our skin makes up about 22 pounds of our bodies, and can cover almost 22 square feet if it was flattened out. Obviously, that is a huge amount of our bodies, but how much attention is really paid to the care and wellbeing of the skin?

Childbirth Refresher Class

For individuals that have given birth before, most childbirth classes can be very repetitive. And that is nothing against the class or the instructor, but first time parents and second time parents have different questions and would like different information!

Provider Spotlight: Back in Action Physical Therapy

When we were still allowed to be in public with other people, we had the chance to meet Mary Yoffe of Back in Action Physical Therapy. We were so excited to connect as we did not have a pelvic floor referral in the Cary/Apex area, and we definitely found one now! We talked for a long time as she was curious to learn so much about the birth community and were so happy to hear her gentle but therapeutic approach when working with her pelvic floor patients! She definitely has a strong passion for the work which can be immediately felt as she describes how she cares for her patients! We are so excited to feature her this month!

Virtual Doula Support and Virtual Childbirth Classes

In our new reality of living with stay at home orders, school closures, and wearing pajamas all day, the one thing that will not change is babies. Folks will be getting pregnant, will be needing support, will be needing childbirth educator, and will be giving birth. While the current conditions may not be ideal, our goal at Carolina Birth and Wellness is to provide the level of support pregnant people and their families deserve.

The First Time Parent's Guide to Childbirth Education

As a first time parent, you are often faced with the idea that you should take childbirth education classes, but you have no idea where to take them or when to take them! Then once you figure out those details, you have no idea about what you are learning! Everyone has different and unique needs, and a standard one size fits all class approach isn’t always what you need.

Who's Who In The Birth Room

As you are getting ready to have your baby, it can be a little confusing to learn the various titles that may be present. Check out our blog to learn more!

OR Certified Doulas At UNC Medical Center in Chapel Hill

According to the CDC’s most recent data, in 2018 the cesarean birth rate in North Carolina is 29.4%. While this number is still slightly less than the national average of 31.9%, it is a number that we need to take note of as doulas.

Realistic New Years Resolutions for New Moms

New Years Resolutions are great and all, but how many times how many of you made a resolution to do something you *wanted* to do, but it just wasn’t reasonable? 

🙋‍♀️Me. I have done it.

Prenatal Breastfeeding Consultation with an IBCLC

Our International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) believe that the best breastfeeding support is the support that is right for you. We have clients who have varying degrees of goals relating to their breastfeeding journey or a concern that needs a but more guidance before the baby arrives. So, we offer prenatal consultations where our IBCLCs will travel to your home, and provide the support, guidance, and education that you need.

Sore Breasts During Pregnancy

Our breasts are pretty amazing as they change throughout out menstrual cycles, as well as during pregnancy. Changes in size, sensitivity, and color are all very common to notice while you are pregnant. With these changes, soreness is a common feeling most women experience as well. Today we are sharing the reason for those changes as well as some of our favorite tips to help be more comfortable as your body gears up for the birth of your baby.

Guest Blog: How Morning Sickness Can Affect Your Oral Health and How To Prevent It

Guest Blog by Dr. Amanda Tavoularis (

For many women, experiencing morning sickness can be one of the most unpleasant symptoms that accompanies their pregnancy. What’s worse, morning sickness can also lead to its own problems such as oral health issues. That’s why it’s important to deal with morning sickness, and take steps to prevent permanent damage to your teeth. As a dentist with 20 years of experience, I’ve spent the last two decades helping pregnant women keep their teeth protected from the dangers of morning sickness. I’ve put together my top tips for beating morning sickness while keeping your mouth healthy. 

Provider Spotlight: Current Wellness

One of the best parts of living in our area is we have some amazing people with amazing ideas who start amazing businesses that are so relevant to the times and to the location in which they are building. A perfect example of all these characteristics is Brit Guerin of The Current Wellness.

Realistic Self Care for New Parents

Self care is important, but sometimes not attainable for new parents. Today we are talking about realistic self care.

IVs During Labor

In our first prenatal appointment with all of our doula clients, we spend time talk about everyones birth preferences. And for those who are hoping for an unmedicated birth, having an IV is not high on their list of desires. 

Postpartum Depression and Massage Therapy: Exploring the Connection

Massage therapy promotes relaxation, feelings of calmness and well-being, reduces pains and aches, and helps you sleep better – all of which can be beyond helpful during the postpartum period.

Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic Health, Dr. Brooke Sellers

Physical wellness and taking care of your body are very important to us both as individuals and as a business. The better you care for your body, they better it can perform daily functions. Part of the way that we love taking care of ourselves is visiting chiropractors for alignments and better over function.