As you are getting ready to have your baby, it can be a little confusing to learn the various titles that may be present. Check out our blog to learn more!
Why Even Have A Birth Plan?
Some say that having a birth plan sets up unrealistic ideals for your births. And while if you have rigid expectations, that may be true. However, we feel that writing the birth plan isn’t what is important.
Decoding the APGAR Test For Newborn Babies
The test is divided into 5 sections with each section receiving a score of 0 to 2. It is to help determine if the newborn needs immediate medical attention, but not to predict long-term health issues.
Affirmations for Labor and Delivery
A popular way we support our birth clients is through verbal affirmations during labor and delivery.
Doula Support During Birth
But what exactly do we do in the birth room while you are laboring and pushing? The short answer is: whatever you need!
Two Prenatal Appointments with Your Birth Doulas
For each birth doula client, we offer two prenatal appointments. This gives us a great time to learn about you, and for you to learn about us.
Am I In Labor?
Probably the single most common question we get from our clients during our first prenatal appointment is “how will I know if I’m in labor?”
What’s (Not) In Our Doula Bags
Doulas can be known for having a bag of tricks we bring to each bring. Are you picturing a clown car of comfort measures? Well, not so much.
5 Ways to Rock Your Cesarean Birth
It’s the big day! Your baby is about to be born! Below are a few of our favorite ways to rock the birth experience on the day of your planned cesarean!
Four Ways to Prepare For a Cesarean Birth
Preparing for a planned (or even unplanned) cesarean birth is exciting and amazing, but can be a bit stressful. Our doulas are here to support every step of the way! Check out a few of our favorite tips to help yourself prepare for the big day.
Our Birth Philosophy is Your Birth Philosophy
We learn your philosophy on as many aspects of the birthing process as possible, so that we enter the birth room 110% with your best interests in mind!
Use of Nitrous Oxide During Labor
Birthing individuals around the Triangle are beginning to take notice of the Nitrous Oxide as that is available to them in their birthing rooms as a comfort measure during labor, both at hospitals and birth centers alike.
Navigating Who is Present in the Delivery Room: The Differences Between Doulas, Nurses, Midwives, and Doctors
During birth, there can be any number of people present for your birth. We decided it was time to break down exactly how doulas, nurses, midwives, and doctors fit into your birth plan and delivery room.
Birth Options In the Triangle
Deciding where to have your baby in the Triangle can be daunting task. We are here to help with some handy questions to ask yourself as your begin the process of deciding.
"Normal" Labor
During pregnancy and birth, we try to avoid saying something is normal vs abnormal, but rather your unique birth story is your own.
7 Tips for Being Induced
If you are facing an induction, make sure to check out these great tips to help make the process as smooth as possible!
Delivering at The Birth Place at Duke Regional
The Birthing Place at Duke Regional Hospital is a smaller hospital in North Durham that is perfect for those who like the idea of hospital birth, but still want a more personalized experience.