To end our fertility massage session, we will have you lay on your stomach so we can work your back and sacrum. This provides an excellent way to work the back of the body, and allow for the full body relaxation and therapeutic techniques to really sink in.
Relaxing Neck and Shoulder Massage In Fertility Massage Session
One of the biggest conversations in fertility work is what came first, stress or fertility challenges? And while we cannot answer that, we know we can help reduce the stress of everyday life.
Therapeutic Abdominal Massage During a Fertility Massage Session
Stomach massage tends to be an area of the body most people are not comfortable having someone see, let alone let someone else touch it. And while we respect those decision, a therapeutic abdominal massage can be hugely beneficially for those trying to conceive.
Benefits of Fertility Massage
Where ever you are in your fertility journey, receiving a fertility massage can be very beneficially for your overall physical and mental health, as well as some great educational benefits!
Postpartum Depression and Massage Therapy: Exploring the Connection
Massage therapy promotes relaxation, feelings of calmness and well-being, reduces pains and aches, and helps you sleep better – all of which can be beyond helpful during the postpartum period.
Paying for Doula Support
There’s one thing we are a bit biased, doula support is worth the investment. However, that investment can be a bit challenging for our clients.
Anatomy of the Breast
Here’s a sad truth: most women know nothing about their breasts. Complete transparent, I was one of those women.
Typical Structure of a Breast Massage Session
We are excited that we now are able to offer therapeutic breast massage to our breastfeeding clients.