Educational Support

Common vs. Normal During Pregnancy

So often on Facebook and other social media sites, our birth doulas and postpartum doulas read questions from concerned pregnant folks or new parents asking various questions about if others experienced a similar issue during pregnancy, birth, and/or parenthood. However, we are reframing that question to: Is it common and is it also normal?

Why Even Have A Birth Plan?

Some say that having a birth plan sets up unrealistic ideals for your births. And while if you have rigid expectations, that may be true. However, we feel that writing the birth plan isn’t what is important.

Protective Factors to Help Strengthen Your Growing Family

These five protective factors can help protect, build, strengthen and promote healthy parent and child development.

CBW As A Top Birth Blog

We are so excited to be featured on the Top 30 Birth Blogs from!

Postpartum Toolkit + Free Printable 

Planning for a new baby is full of unknowns. Will your baby sleep? Will you sleep? Will your baby eat? Will you feel like yourself? And so many more questions that you won’t know the answer to until your baby arrives. 

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Making Returning to Work, Work 

Whether you are going back to work at 6 weeks, 6 months, or even a year, there are always some adjustments. Parents that continue to breastfeed while working certainly face a few different obstacles, but we believe if you develop a sustainable plan prior to a big event, you are more likely to succeed.

Two Prenatal Appointments with Your Birth Doulas 

Two Prenatal Appointments with Your Birth Doulas 

For each birth doula client, we offer two prenatal appointments. This gives us a great time to learn about you, and for you to learn about us

What’s (Not) In Our Doula Bags

What’s (Not) In Our Doula Bags

Doulas can be known for having a bag of tricks we bring to each bring. Are you picturing a clown car of comfort measures? Well, not so much. 

So, I Had a Cesarean Birth, Now What?

So, I Had a Cesarean Birth, Now What?

Whether your cesarean birth was planned or unplanned, recovering from a cesarean birth is a little different than recovering from a vaginal birth. The recovery can be a bit longer, with a more limitations, but with a little planning and some extra support, you will do amazing. 

Four Ways to Prepare For a Cesarean Birth 

Four Ways to Prepare For a Cesarean Birth 

Preparing for a planned (or even unplanned) cesarean birth is exciting and amazing, but can be a bit stressful. Our doulas are here to support every step of the way! Check out a few of our favorite tips to help yourself prepare for the big day. 

Day Time Support From Your Postpartum Doula

Day Time Support From Your Postpartum Doula

Our postpartum doulas love providing day time support for families in the Triangle area! Many families feel our help is best used for overnight support, but many also see benefit of having day time support as well!

Can’t My Husband/Sister/Mom Be My Doula?

Can’t My Husband/Sister/Mom Be My Doula?

Family is wonderful for many things during pregnancy and parenthood. But being your doula is not one of those things!

What Exactly Does a Doula Do?

What Exactly Does a Doula Do?

The Doulas at Carolina Birth and Wellness provide continuous support for families in Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Durham, and surrounding areas during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.