During our years of meeting potential clients, we have been asked some great questions about why we are the ideal birth and postpartum doulas for you in the Triangle area.
Paying for Doula Support
There’s one thing we are a bit biased, doula support is worth the investment. However, that investment can be a bit challenging for our clients.
What To Do With Your Placenta After Birth
Birth is commonly divided into 3 stages: labor, pushing, and placenta delivery. So often the first two stages are well researched, but the third stage can be overlooked. Not today!
Can’t My Husband/Sister/Mom Be My Doula?
Family is wonderful for many things during pregnancy and parenthood. But being your doula is not one of those things!
Your Unique Cord Keepsake
Many of our placenta encapsulation clients are aware of the both the physical and emotional benefits they receive from taking placenta capsules. However, many are unsure of the reasons for receiving the complimentary cord keepsakes that we offer our clients. We hope this will help you learn about why the umbilical cord is special, and also why you should want to save it.