Planning for a new baby is full of unknowns. Will your baby sleep? Will you sleep? Will your baby eat? Will you feel like yourself? And so many more questions that you won’t know the answer to until your baby arrives.
So how do your prepare for such an unknown event?
You build your toolkit!
Postpartum Care Experts and Providers
We have complied a space for you to find all of the postpartum care experts and providers that you may need NOW so when you need them LATER it is not as hard to find the right person. While our list may be a little longer than you had in mind (11 different providers), we encourage you to fill out as many as possible just in case.
Choosing Postpartum Experts
How you choose your providers is whatever works best for you. We have some great recommendations and will happily walk through the list with you giving our recommendations, but we also what you to think about will this person be someone that I can ask for help from? Many experts in our area will meet with you for a complimentary consultation or charge a small fee so that you can learn more about them as a provider, as well as a person. We also encourage you to look for those who are geographically convenient for you as well as those who accept your insurance.
Family Members During Your Postpartum Period
Some family members are great, and some are less than great. We all have those family members we love dearly as people, but know they aren’t going to be the biggest help.
That is completely fine and normal.
On the Postpartum Care Toolkit we have a space for your the most helpful friends or family members so you don’t have to set boundaries and know you can call them for help anytime. Just be honest with who write, no one else has to see this document.
Download your own Postpartum Care Toolkit so you can start preparing and planning now.
What clients are saying about our Postpartum Planning Guide:
“The Postpartum plan is INCREDIBLE!!! My husband and I are blown away with it! Thank you so much!! I am so grateful to have it and remind myself IT’S OKAY TO ASK FOR HELP!!!”
You can buy the entire Postpartum Planning Guide online if you are interested. Our birth doula and postpartum doula clients also get these documents as part of our services because we are all about preparing for that 4th trimester. Give us a call with any questions!