A great list of indoor activities to enjoy with your baby and/or toddler during the cooler winter months!
Incorporating Dry Brushing into Your Self Care Routine
Dry brushing is a wonderful addition to a massage therapy session, or as a way to incorporate a daily dose of self care into your daily routine.
Birth Affirmations
Birth affirmations are a powerful way to encourage yourself during the most challenging parts of labor, even when you would rather just take a nap.
Swelling During Pregnancy
One of the less than glamorous symptoms of pregnancy is swelling. While most of the time, swelling is a completely normal part of growing a tiny human. However, we must say we are not medical professionals and please always defer to your doctor or midwife about medical questions or concerns.
Overnight Support
Sleep when the baby sleeps they say. Well, they also mean hire a postpartum doula for overnight support in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill and you will be actually be able to sleep when the baby sleeps.
Benefits of Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is a wonderful modality of massage that is that everyone can benefit from receiving on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.
11 Tips To Get Your Fur Baby Ready For Your New Baby
You already have your fur baby, but if you are adding a human baby to your pack, we have a few helpful tips to help make that transition a bit easier.
Placenta Capsules
The most popular and safest way to consume your placenta is via placenta encapsulation. During the encapsulation process, we take our time to ensure that each capsule is properly prepared to make the process of taking the capsule every day will be as easy as possible for you.
Carolina Birth and Wellness Gratitude Challenge
November is a great month to take stock in what you are grateful for in your life. Sometimes it can be challenging to either come up with something you are grateful or even remember what you did that day if you are going through a challenging period.
Self Care During Pregnancy
Self-care is usually one of the last things that is thought about for a busy person. Between kids, your partner, your career, and your social life, sometimes taking time just for yourself seems like luxury that you just cannot afford. We have made a list of mental shifts that be a form of self care and you can think about while you are driving to your medical providers office, or waiting in the carpool line.
Choosing a Cesarean Birth
Part of our job as doulas is to help our clients learn about all the options available to them for pregnancy, birth, and as a new parent. One option for birth is to choose a cesarean birth, and while it is not as common as say choosing a water birth or an epidural, it is still an option that is available to those giving birth in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. As always, it is best to check with your specific health care team to determine what type of birth is best for you, your body, and your baby.
The Power of Unlimited Support
Who ya gonna call? Ghostbu-- Your Doula!
Your doulas are always available to you via unlimited phone, text, and email support 24/7 as soon as you sign your contract.
The Postpartum Visit for Birth Doulas
All of our birth doula packages include a complimentary consultation, two prenatal appointments, complete birth support, and one postpartum visit. The postpartum visit is not necessarily to provide postpartum care since we are still wearing our birth doula hats, but it is debrief about the birth experience and make a plan moving forward with finally having your newborn home with you!
Picking The Family Size That Is Right For You
So when’s number two coming??
It’s an inventible question after you’ve had one baby, even if that first baby is only a few hours old. And while people mean well and just trying to be excited for you and your family, it can be really frustrating or even hurtful if you have no plans for having any more babies.
Corporate Chair Massage
Bringing health and wellness to the workplace is a wonderful way to not only benefit employees, but also benefit employers. Learn more about how CBW can be at your next wellness event!
Five Minutes of Self Care
Finding time for self care with all of the hats that we wear as Mothers and Fathers can be challenging, But remember: You cannot fill from an empty cup.
Use of Nitrous Oxide During Labor
Birthing individuals around the Triangle are beginning to take notice of the Nitrous Oxide as that is available to them in their birthing rooms as a comfort measure during labor, both at hospitals and birth centers alike.
Hot Stone Massage
A hot stone massage is a wonderful way to treat yourself on a chilly day, but it also a very therapeutic massage intended to provide deep heat to stubborn muscles.
Winter Newborn Must Haves
We might not have the snow yet, but that does not mean you shouldn't start thinking about what must-haves you need for your winter newborn.
Fear, Stress, and PTSD in the Birth Room
While we all would like a perfect, calm, and amazing birth experience, sometimes that is just not possible. And that does not make your experience abnormal or wrong, as admitting that fear and stress can be normal emotions and denying that fact is what is not recommended.