Night nurse — Carolina Birth and Wellness- Blog — Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation, Prenatal Massage

We have officially opened our new South Durham office at 5850 Fayetteville Road, Suite 202!

Night nurse

Why Sleep is Crucial For You and Your Baby

You expect sleepless nights when a little one joins the family, and the age-old image of sleep-deprived parents isn't one that's going to vanish any time soon. We know it isn't easy. In fact, it’s reported that new parents face up to six years of sleep deprivation.

Common Nipple Issues While Breastfeeding 

One of the most common concerns we hear from our breastfeeding clients is about the status of their nipples! From cracked and bloody, to flat and sore, we hear it all. The most important thing to remember: your nipples should not hurt while breastfeeding or pumping!

Optimizing Feedings With A Newborn PLUS Printable Feeding Log

When you have a newborn, the consistent worry of making sure your baby is getting enough to eat is completely normal! Whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the key to feeling confident about having a fed baby is optimizing each and every feeding. Below are a few of our favorite tips:

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

What’s Your Goal For Today? 

We approach each client at each postpartum doula shift with a clean slate. We do not have any opinions about what should, or what should not be done, by the parent, or what should or should not be expected from the baby. We do, however, always start the shift with the same simple question: What is your goal for today?

Tips For a Clogged Duct While Breastfeeding

Tips For a Clogged Duct While Breastfeeding

For anyone that has a had a clogged duct while breastfeeding, you know how uncomfortable it can be! Never fear, your postpartum doulas are here.

9 Tips For Help With Gassy Babies

9 Tips For Help With Gassy Babies

Having a gassy newborn or a gassy baby is very common, but that doesn’t make it any easier when it’s your uncomfortable baby!  Here are our 9 tips from our postpartum doulas to help!

Overnight Support 

Overnight Support 

Sleep when the baby sleeps they say. Well, they also mean hire a postpartum doula for overnight support in Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill and you will be actually be able to sleep when the baby sleeps.