Spending time is a couple is important, even if you have kids. Try these fun stay at home date nights this weekend!
Benefits of a Labor Stimulating Massage
When you are past your estimated date of delivery or facing a medical induction, a labor stimulating massage can provide amazing benefits to both your mind and body to help prepare for and help stimulate labor.
Top Ten Tips for New Dads and Non-Birthing Parents
Navigating Who is Present in the Delivery Room: The Differences Between Doulas, Nurses, Midwives, and Doctors
During birth, there can be any number of people present for your birth. We decided it was time to break down exactly how doulas, nurses, midwives, and doctors fit into your birth plan and delivery room.
Birth Options In the Triangle
Deciding where to have your baby in the Triangle can be daunting task. We are here to help with some handy questions to ask yourself as your begin the process of deciding.
Antepartum Doula Support in the Triangle
There's a myth out there that pregnancy is all smiles and cute maternity dresses. But that isn't always the case.
Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula
The support of a doula is often associated with just labor and delivery support. And while for our birth doulas, that is a huge amount of their support, we also have doulas for your entire family, from conception to any stage of the postpartum period.
Who Knew Babies Could Have So Much Laundry?
Tips for Thriving with a Newborn
We want you to THRIVE when you have your newborn, not just survive. Check out 30 tips to do just that.
Prodromal Labor
Prodromal labor is when there are false labor signs prior to active labor beginning. However, that can be pretty frustrating to hear as a pregnant person because your pain and discomforts are not false. Check out how to cope, and when to call your medical provider.
Lower Back Pain During Pregnancy
Low back pain during pregnancy is very common issue. The bright side is it means your body and baby are changing. However, it can be hard to see that as a positive when you are struggling to continue with your daily activities in pain. Here are a favorite of our tips to help with that pain.
How to Handle Visitors as an Introvert
Having visitors to your home when you are an introvert can be less than appealing. Check out a few of our favorite tips for enjoying those visitors.
Importance of Postpartum Planning
Planning for what it will be like to bring your new baby home is an important aspect of birth that is often overlooked. Learn more about our postpartum planning sessions and classes.
How to Succeed at Breastfeeding
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week 2017, we put together a lists of ways to succeed at breastfeeding your baby.
Doula Support During an Epidural
Epidurals are a wonderful way to pain management tool during childbirth, and our doulas are trained to provide some amazing physical, emotional and educational support to you while the epidural is being administered and for the remained of your labor and delivery.
Managing Visitors and your Newborn (plus a FREE printable for managing visitors!)
It all starts from a good place: friends and family calling and texting you, inviting themselves over to your home, and cuddling your newborn. But sometimes those good intentions have less than good implications on new parents.
Position Changes During Labor
Finding a position you like during labor is very important to help prepare your body for birth. However, sometimes the most important position is the position of changing positions.
How Deep is Too Deep?
Receiving a deep tissue should be wonderful, relaxing, and therapeutic. It should never be painful! Read
A Previous Traumatic Birth Does Not Define You
Your previous births and pregnancies do not dictate how your subsequent births and pregnancies will go. Our doulas are trained to help you stay empowered and see all of your options during birth.
When to Hire a Doula
Decide not only if you want a doula, but also when to hire a doula can be confusing. Let's explore some of the factors that go into deciding if you will hire your doula at 10 weeks, or 38 weeks.