Tips for Thriving with a Newborn
Having a newborn can be challenging. They are tiny people with big needs. But, you will survive this time. Our goal though, is for you to thrive during this time.
A few of our favorite tips for THRIVING with a newborn:
Be Kind to Yourself
1. It took months for your body to grow your baby, so you give yourself permission to allow months to recover from pregnancy and birth.
2. Do not feel embarrassed or ashamed to ask for help.
3. Remind yourself that you matter too.
4. Enjoy this time. Your baby will only be this age once.
Get Out
5. Bring an extra shirt for your baby AND yourself when you go in public
6. Yes, you just had a baby, but you can still go in public.
7. Sleep now, clean later.
8. Think of your sleep needs in a 24 hour block
Enjoy the ride
9. Take lots of pictures. Yes, even of your milk drenched shirt and messy hair. This is what memories are made of.
10. Have fun. You did an amazing thing, and you have the proof looking back at you. Enjoy this time.
11. Laugh when you get thrown up on or your partner has poop on his or her face.
Seek Out Others
12. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, get professional help for care, or take advantage of local support groups
Manage visitors well
13. Visitors are for support not to be entertained while at your home by you or your partner
14. Remember visitors do not know you or your baby’s routine. You are allowed to excuse yourself as much as needed if you do not feel up to having someone in your home
15. Visitors are for support not to be entertained while at your home by you or your partner
16. Be honest with yourself and your partner to make sure your own feelings are not hurt
17. You do not need to be the one that is in control of everything. Let other’s take some responsibilities
Follow your own advice
18. Figure out a system that works best for you and your family, even if your mom or sibling did something different
Self Care. Self Care. Did we mention self care?
19. Get outside at least once a day, even if it is a short walk around the block.
21. Make one room or area off limits to maintain your privacy
21. Do not be afraid to ask for help and be specific with your requests
22. Wear the mesh panties as long as possible
23. Show affection to your partner at least once a day
Eat Well
24. If asking others to bring food, consider every other day to minimize excessive left overs
25. Speaking of food, don’t forget to eat good food. You need the calories and you need something that is delicious.
26. Get some great one handed snacks
27. Better yet, wear your baby so you have both hands to eat.
Remodel your house a little
28. If you have a two story home, having a diaper change and feeding station on each story can be helpful
29. Have a phone chargers throughout your house and especially near your couch, bed, and nursery
30. Learn what grocery stores have curb side delivery so you can literally grocery shop from your couch
As always, your birth doulas and postpartum doulas are available to help in any way we can. We are just a phone call away!