Where ever you are in your fertility journey, receiving a fertility massage can be very beneficially for your overall physical and mental health, as well as some great educational benefits!
Mom Hacks: Household Items to Help Keep Babies Clean
Postpartum Depression and Massage Therapy: Exploring the Connection
Massage therapy promotes relaxation, feelings of calmness and well-being, reduces pains and aches, and helps you sleep better – all of which can be beyond helpful during the postpartum period.
Signs of Uterine Fatigue
The uterus is an amazing muscle. Not only can it grow to 500 times it normal size during pregnancy, it is a self-cleaning and self-regulating organ that intentionally sheds it’s line every month. It can weigh only a few ounces to over two pounds depending on the stage of life a woman is in. Plus, not only can it help support making a human, it can (repeatedly) make an entirely new organ inside of it (the placenta!)
Gentle Herbs for Vaginal Steaming
Our gentle herb formula for yoni steaming is a relaxing blend of herbs that is intended to help with bleeding issues. By closing the blood vessels, these herbs are said to prevent unwanted bleeding. This unwanted bleeding can be for those with shorter than average menstrual cycles or those who experience spotting or bleeding between periods.
Cooling Herbs for Vaginal Steaming
The cooling herbs formula is a relaxing selections of herbs intended to cool and moisture while steaming. While it seems contradictory that a steaming session would be cooling, the herbs selected for this formula have cooling properties that provide moisture for wonderful vaginal steaming session.
Disinfecting Herbs for Vaginal Steaming
Our disinfecting herb formula is a great way for those who have irregular vaginal discharge and infections to naturally reduce those symptoms. Since the uterus and vagina are self-cleaning organs, your body will be trying to clear anything already, but using the disinfecting herb formula can aid in that process.
Cleansing Herbs For Vaginal Steaming
One of our herb combinations is the Cleansing Herbs. These have our universal formula that provides disinfecting herbs, moisturizing herbs, relaxing herbs, replenishing herbs, and cleaning herbs. The cleansing combination has all of the aforementioned herbs, but an extra dose of the cleansing herbs.
Yoni Steaming Set Up
The actual set up of the steam session is relaxing and calming, and a great way to help provide some much needed self care.
Intake For Vaginal Steaming
The intake process for our yoni steaming sessions is a bit lengthy. We want to ensure that not only are you getting the correct length of time for your steam session, but that you are also getting the right herb formula as well as receiving the necessary at-home care tips to help keep feeling the benefits of the steam session.
Contraindications for Vaginal Steaming
Benefits of Yoni Steaming
We just love yoni steaming, and think the benefits are just fantastic! Below are some of the positive and cleansing benefits of regular steaming. We certainly hope you experience as many of these during your steam sessions!
Introducing Vaginal Steaming at Carolina Birth and Wellness
Provider Spotlight: Verve Holistic Health, Dr. Brooke Sellers
Physical wellness and taking care of your body are very important to us both as individuals and as a business. The better you care for your body, they better it can perform daily functions. Part of the way that we love taking care of ourselves is visiting chiropractors for alignments and better over function.
How To Treat Yourself If You’re a Busy Mom
Families are busier than ever these days. Statistics confirm it. If you’re a mom, odds are good you don’t have a lot of free time to focus on your needs. Maybe you’re trying to figure out things like how to get kids to eat vegetables without a fight, get everyone to their activities on time, and finish your own work. No matter what you’re trying to balance, chances are good that there’s a lot going on.
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids
There is no doubt in the fact that the problem of hemorrhoids can be quite aggravating for any patient. And for that, we would need to understand what hemorrhoids are in the first place?
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) in Men
Being a new Dad is life changing. There are amazing highs, and for about 1 in 10 men, there are some pretty low lows.
Choosing a Pediatrician In Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill
One of the many things on your checklist during your pregnancy will be to choose a pediatrician for your child.
Packing For A Birth Center Birth (Plus a FREE Printable)
Birthing at a birth center gives you more freedom of how you have your baby, but it does mean you need to think about what you will bring with in a different way.
Provider Spotlight: Sleeping Grass Kids Drop In Center
Finding reliable, affordable, and trustworthy childcare is probably the hardest part of having children. Then add in a rotating scheduling where childcare needs are not the same day to day or week to week, and it is even more challenging.