
Impact of Stress on Our Physical and Emotional Health

Stress, either good or bad, has a huge impact on our bodies. Having the ability to have the appropriate hormonal responses to moments of stress is a protective measure, but then also being able to rid our bodies of that stress and the impact it had, has a restorative impact. The balance of these two is what keeps us in harmony. Yet, that harmony is not always intact when life happens.

Tracking Your Basal Body Temperature (BBT)

The body’s temperature can tell you so much about your health, but often times we think of the negative aspects of what a change in temperature can mean. If you have a fever, it could be a sign of infection that your body is trying to fight. Plus, if you are a parent, you know a temperature in an infant could mean that teething is coming (aka crying and trouble sleeping)! However, what about taking your temperature for your wellness?

What Exactly Is A Normal Period?

When talking to my clients, I always like to stress the difference between common and normal, as those two terms can mean very different things when talking about women’s health, especially menstrual health.

Introduction to Cycle Charting

Learning about tracking your cycle is such an important part of not only understanding your reproductive health, but also your overall health. Our periods, ovulation and overall cycles are highly linked to physical, emotional, and hormonal changes within our bodies.