Trans dad support — Carolina Birth and Wellness- Blog — Doulas, Placenta Encapsulation, Prenatal Massage

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Trans dad support

The Key to Staying Strong & Healthy as a Single Father

The responsibility of a father extends deep and far into a child’s life. This is why being a parent is a demanding job and it requires a profound and relentless supply of energy and love. For single parents that responsibility is greater because there is no one to share the work with. Single fathers face their fair share of challenges, but remaining conscious of a few important tips can help in alleviating them.

Looking After Yourself While Looking After A Newborn: A Guide for Single Fathers (Guest Blog)

You’ve never felt anything else like it: the overwhelming love that engulfs your entire being for this tiny little person. But there’s a secret you probably haven’t told anyone, not even yourself: this wonderful new baby that you love with all of your heart is just exhausting.

Blog courtesy of Josh Moore of Diaper Dads, a site specifically for Soon to be Dads and Dads navigating the world of parenthood!