Transporting Your Placenta from the Hospital or Birth Center to Your Home

Transporting Your Placenta from the Hospital or Birth Center to Your Home

So you have made the big decision to have your placenta encapsulated due to the amazing benefits. Your learned all about what an amazing organ it truly is. You decided that having it done in your own home is the safest way for it be processed. You learned about the two methods of preparation. But now, you are holding your newborn baby and staring at your placenta wondering “how do I get this thing home now??

Well, that’s where the Placenta Transport Kit comes in handy that we give our clients. 

The World Health Organization outlines in “Guidelines for the safe transport of infectious substances and diagnostic specimens” the rules that most be followed for the for safe, local transportation of specimens.  We follow those rules when loaning our clients their transport kits. Below are the guidelines:

  1. Specimen containers should be watertight and leak-proof; 
  2. If the specimen container is a tube, it must be tightly capped and placed in a rack to maintain it in an upright position; 
  3. Specimen containers and racks should be placed in robust, leak-proof plastic or metal transport boxes with secure, tight fitting covers;
  4. The transport box should be secured in the transport vehicle; 
  5. Each transport box should be labelled appropriately consistent with its contents; 
  6. Specimen data forms and identification data should accompany each transport box; 
  7. A spill kit containing absorbent material, a chlorine disinfectant, a leak-proof waste disposal container and heavy duty reusable gloves should be kept in the transport vehicle

Each Placenta Transport Kit provided meets the above guidelines.

  1. We provide a leak-proof plastic bag to put the placenta or the container with the placenta into.
  2. Placentas will not be transported in a tube, so this does not apply 
  3. We provide a leak-proof cooler. 
  4. We recommend our clients secure the cooler inside their vehicle to ensure it does spill or tip over while driving. 
  5. Each cooler is labeled stating that the placenta inside is being transported by the client for encapsulation by Carolina Birth and Wellness, LLC
  6. There is a label on the plastic bag with the placenta itself as well as on the outside of the cooler with all identifying information of our client
  7. We provided a towel, cleaning wipes, an extra plastic bag and gloves with our Placenta Transport Kits 

We believe that by loaning our clients a Placenta Transport Kit we are following the highest possible safety regulations available for Placenta Encapsulation. You can start the process now and get your Placenta Transport Kit soon!