The Best Bedroom Plants to Help You Sleep


Between social media and streaming TV, a good night’s sleep is not easy to come by in today’s society. We have so much going on in our daily lives that our brains become distracted, unable to wind down at the end of the day. In fact, a whopping one-third of all Americans are sleep deprived. 

With so many of us struggling with this issue, sleep loss has developed into a societal crisis. While you may think that a sleepless night is simply followed by an extra-long, extra-groggy next day, the truth is that losing even a single night’s sleep poses a laundry list of serious health effects including memory loss, chronic disease, and weight gain - just to name a few.  

Although sleeplessness may feel like a curse, it can be addressed without the need for harmful and habit forming medications. Looking at the underlying causes of your sleeplessness will allow you to gain a better understanding of exactly what it is that’s keeping you up at night. And, there is one environmental factor that is so fundamental to a good night’s sleep that you’ve probably never even given it a thought - and that is your home’s air quality. 

How Important Is Quality Sleep?

Many of us view sleep as a time of rest for the body - however, the function of sleep is far greater and more complex. Sleep is a restorative process that the body undergoes to ensure the proper functioning of all organs. It is one of the most basic requirements for a healthy mind and body – and we simply cannot function without it. 

As we pass through the five stages of sleep, the body works to recover from the cognitive and physical traumas experienced during the day. It is during this time that our body starts rebuilding its muscles and repairing the damages from everyday life. In addition, sleep is essential in regulating the body’s immune system. For example, a body that’s lacking sleep has been found to produce fewer infection-fighting antibodies; which may explain why studies have shown that you’re more likely to catch a cold virus when you are sleep deprived.

How Air Quality Affects Sleep Health

The majority of scientific evidence points to indoor air quality as a major determinant in a person’s health. And, unfortunately for us, the EPA has found that the air within our homes may be “more seriously polluted than the outdoor air in even the largest and most industrialized cities.” 

Unlike the air outside, indoor air has no natural circulation, so contaminants end up trapped inside a home’s airflow. Over time, breathing in this stale, contaminated air deteriorates one’s mental and physical health and prevents you from falling asleep at night - which, consequently, exacerbates those mental and physical effects. It is a truly vicious cycle that targets you and your loved one’s health and wellbeing. 

The most common symptoms of air pollution include: 

  • Irritation & inflammation of the eyes, nose, and throat

  • Migraines

  • Dizziness

  • Exhaustion 

  • Asthma

  • Respiratory diseases

  • Heart disease

  • Cancer

Thankfully, it is never too late to start improving your air quality. One of the best ways to counteract indoor air pollutants and purify your home’s air is to incorporate specific plants into your living space. Using a study conducted by NASA, we’ve compiled a list of the five plants that are most effective in removing common household toxins.

Top 5 Plants to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Help You Fall Asleep

In searching for the best indoor air purification methods, NASA conducted a study on the effect of indoor plants on air quality. Among their findings, they discovered that the following plants were extremely effective at removing formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, xylene, toluene, and trichloroethylene from indoor air:


Snake Plant

These perennial plants have become known for their air purifying abilities, especially with nitrogen oxide and other volatile organic compounds. Snake plants have upright foliage and beautiful green, striped coloration, compliments any style of decor. Plus, they’re so durable that they’re almost impossible to kill!

  • Expertise level: Beginner

  • Other common names: Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

  • Scientific name: Sansevieria trifasciata


Peace Lily

Peace Lilies are evergreen plants that are known for their gorgeous, white lily flowers. The pure white color of the flowers contract beautifully with the plant’s dark green foliage, so they are a great statement piece for any room or office. 

  • Expertise level: Beginner

  • Other common names: Closet Plant

  • Scientific name: Spathiphyllum


Florist’s Chrysanthemum

This well known perennial plant features large, beautiful flowers that sit atop a mass of dark-green foliage. They come in numerous flower colors, including pink, purple, red, burgundy, white, and golden yellow.

  • Expertise level: Beginner to Moderate

  • Other common names: Florist’s Daisy; Hardy Garden Mum

  • Scientific name: Chrysanthemum morifolium


Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy is typically planted in hanging baskets and features lush, trailing vines with bright green heart-shaped leaves with a marbling of yellowish-white hues. 

  • Expertise level: Beginner 

  • Other common names:Hunter’s Robe; Ivy Arum; Solomon Islands Ivy; Taro Vine

  • Scientific name: Epipremnum aureum 


Red-Edged Dracaena

This upright plant features tall, ribbon-like green leaves with red edges, which bring a pop of color into the decor and can grow up to 15-feet tall. The Red-Edged Dracaena is effective at removing xylene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde from the air, pollutants often introduced through varnishes, lacquers, and gasoline. 

  • Expertise level: Beginner 

  • Other common names:Madagascar Dragon Tree

  • Scientific name: Dracaena reflexa