How, When, and Why Childbirth Education

Childbirth Education that focuses on exactly what you want and need to learn to have the birth experience that you want.

childbirth classes chapel hill durham raleigh
private childbirth classes chapel hill, durham, raleigh
private childbirth classes chapel hill, durham, raleigh

Customized Education

You know what is best for you.

Looking for a group class for other first time parents? Sign up now.

Want all of the info in a private setting? Absolutely

Wanting to learn more about VBAC prep? You know we have that too.

Group Classes

Our group classes are fun and interactive, but also capped to ensure not only that each and every question is answered, but that are we able to follow proper COVID-19 protocols.

2024 Class Dates:

  • November 16th

2025 Class Dates:

  • January 25th

  • February 22nd

  • March 29th

  • April 26th

  • May 31st

  • June 28th

  • July 26th

  • August 23rd

  • Sept 20th

  • October 18th

  • November 15th

Private Classes

We give you the freedom to choose the information that you want to learn. You can customize your class, or we can help you pick topics based on your needs. Classes can be held in your home, or in our South Durham office.

childbirth education in chapel hill

Evidence Based Classes

Our classes do not follow a curriculum so you can be sure that you are learning unbiased, evidenced based classes that will help you feel confident during your pregnancy and birth.

Questions about which class is best?