Healthy Ways To Combat Postpartum Depression

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Postnatal depression (PND) can be extremely debilitating. Some women experience very mild forms of PND whereas other women find it difficult to function normally after they have had their baby.

Perinatal mood disorders are common as they impact 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men, but it’s understandable that you want to take care of yourself and your mental health. It’s worth noting that the most effective way of fighting PND is by visiting your Doctor as they will be able to offer you treatment and monitor you for support. However, there are other things you can do and today, we’re going to talk about healthy ways to combat postnatal depression.

Maintain a healthy diet

A healthy diet alone won’t cure your PND but it will help you feel better overall and get plenty of nutrients into your body. Perhaps one of the triggers of your PND was getting used to your new body after having a baby, and eating well will help your body get back into shape and in the long run, help improve your mood. You’ll also notice you’ve got more energy and your skin will look much healthier, so it’s a win-win all around!


Much like healthy eating exercise is important for your general health. Taking the time to take care of yourself will help you combat your postnatal depression faster than avoiding it all together. You can even take the baby with you too! There are lots of postnatal exercise classes available, or if you fancy a run in the park, there are plenty of stroller accessories you can buy to run with your baby in the stroller! Fresh air and exercise can do the world of good for a new mum that’s been struggling!

Make time for yourself

This is much easier said than done when you have a baby, we know. However, when you’ve got a free moment, whether it’s when they’re napping or you can leave them with another adult such as their other parent or grandparents, take the time to do something for you. Whether it’s dying your hair, catching up with a friend, or simply soaking away in the tub, you’ll feel so much better for doing so. It’s understandable that you might not be able to do this all of the time, but making as much time as you can will help tremendously with your PND.

Don’t be afraid to let others help

New mothers are incredible. They have literally just created another human being and it’s completely natural to feel tired and resentful when your baby is crying. Don’t feel ashamed to let others in to help you! Let your baby go out for an hour with your parents so you can catch up on some sleep. Or, if you’re not ready to let them out of your sight yet, simply having someone there to take care of your baby if they cry or need changing makes a massive difference.

Suffering with PND is difficult, but there is help out there! Use these tips to help you combat PND in a healthy way!

For further support, checkout Postpartum Support International for more resources on perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.