Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula — Carolina Birth and Wellness-Blog

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Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula

Importance of the Initial Meeting With Your Doula

The support of a doula is often associated with just labor and delivery support. And while for our birth doulas, that is a huge amount of their support, we also have doulas for your entire family, from conception to any stage of the postpartum period. The first appointment each of our doulas have with your family helps set the stage the level of professionalism and commitment that is evident throughout your entire time as a client and beyond. 

Appointments with the Best Doulas in the Triangle

Whether we are your birth doula, postpartum doula, antepartum doula, or sibling doula, we love to have at least one appointment prior to the start of our contract. These appointments are as much as for you as they are for our amazing doulas. Furthermore, these appointments show that doulas are not just birth: we are able to provide complete support for you for as long as you need us. 

Birth Doulas in Raleigh

For our birth clients, a prenatal appointment is a great time to learn about you, your partner, and your goals with your birth. We are diligent to help you learn about your ideal wishes that may be in plan A, but also help you work through choices that may need to be made in plan Z. Our goal from the prenatal appointments is to leave knowing you feel confident in whatever direction your birth ends up going. Because, let's face it, birth is really unpredictable and hard to plan down to the minute.

Postpartum Doulas in Chapel Hill

The first appointment for our postpartum doula clients can be prenatally, or postnatally, depending on when we hired. The goal is still the same: we want to learn the ins and outs of your family and how we can best support you. Specifically we will go over meal preferences, parenting styles, sleeping goals, feeding routines, and anything else you feel that is important. Postpartum doula supports can look very different from person to person, but generally it all looks the same: we support any and all parenting decisions you make. 

Sibling Doulas in Durham

For our sibling doula services, we offer two prenatal play dates. This give us a chance to learn about your older child(ren) as well as learn about your goals for the birth and their involvement. We not only want to learn about your child that we could be with for many hours while you are birthing your newest baby, we want to learn about your family so can support your entire process throughout the birth process.

Antepartum Doulas in the Triangle

Think of our antepartum doulas as the doula between our birth doula and postpartum doula. We are there while you are still pregnant to support you in anyway you feel is needed. This is common for those soon to be parents that are on bedrest or experience a high risk pregnancy and need some nonjudgmental support.

Nonjudgmental Support From the Beginning

As we are sure you noticed, the common theme of our initially meeting is to learn about you and your preferences. Part of the skills taught during our training is to be the doula for any client, so yes, a prenatal appointment may not be necessary because we are skilled at learning about you and adapting our skills to best support you. However, we love to learn about you. We love to learn what you do and do not like. But most of all, we love to provide as much customized support as possible and that is directly possible by attending prenatal appointments before the big show (whatever that show may be!). Give us a call today to schedule that first appointment so you can benefit from our complete support.