Overnight Support
Overnight Support
You Actually Get To Sleep When The Baby Sleeps
We all know the old adage “sleep when the baby sleeps” isn't always true. Well, when you hire a postpartum doula from Carolina Birth and Wellness, it is true. Our doulas are trained in newborn feeding, sleep tricks, and newborn safety regulations so you can sleep soundly knowing a professional and capable doula is taking care your baby.
But, isn't staying up all night part of the deal with having a newborn?
Sure, it can be. Newborns don't know our preferred sleep schedules, and like to eat. But you also birthed a baby and are allowed some self care time. Having a postpartum doula does not mean that you do are slacking on your duties as a mother. It means that you are taking care of your self as well as your baby by hiring a professional to care for your newborn.
You Are The Expert When It Comes To Your Baby, and We Are Your Assistants
You know your baby, so you know what we need to do while we are in your home. We love to sit down with parents to discuss your feeding habits, diaper routines, and goals from having a postpartum doula with you. This will give us a chance to learn your parenting style so we can adapt our care to your style. Our background in nonjudgmental, unbiased support is evident during this portion of our care. As long as your parenting style reflects the current safety regulations, we will follow your lead. If there is something we notice that feels out of our scope or against the current regulations, we will kindly bring this up to allow you to decide how to proceed.
Feeding How You Prefer
How your postpartum doula feeds your baby is how you prefer, be that waking you up to breastfeed, feeding expressed breastmilk in a bottle, or using formula.
Waking you to breastfeed
This is a great way for nursing parents to still feel the breastfeeding bond with their baby, while also establishing their supply. We will quietly wake you when your baby needs to eat, and you can either nurse right in bed, or go to your favorite nursing spot. As soon as the feeding is complete, we will bring the baby back into his or her room to burp, change and put back to sleep. This will leave your breasts feeling empty without causing too much disturbance with your sleep.
Feeding expressed milk
Many parents who have established a good supply of breastmilk love the option of using expressed milk for at least one feeding during the night. Our doulas will warm your breastmilk how you prefer, and give your baby the bottle while you remain sleeping. We do recommend that you have a good supply because missing even just one normal feeding can negatively impact the supply and demand of your breasts producing the appropriate amount of milk.
Formal feeding
Prior to you going to sleep, we will ask you to show us how your prepare formula and what times you would like to feed your baby, and we will do so without ever waking you. Our doulas are training in formula feeding, so you do not need to worry about a thing while you enjoy your sleep.
Other Benefits of a Postpartum Doula
We can do what you need to us to do! If simply sitting next you while you nurse baby is the kind of support you need, we will do that. We can also help you prepare meals for your older children, yourself, and your partner. Having a giant pile of laundry? Yeah, we can fold that.